Google Rolls Out Art Project in India

What is the ‘Art Project’?

The Art Project is a collaboration between Google and 151 acclaimed art partners from across 40 countries. Using a combination of various Google technologies and expert information provided by museum partners, Google have created a unique online art experience. Users can explore a wide range of artworks at brushstroke level detail, take a virtual tour of a museum and even build their own collections to share.

Few people will ever be lucky enough to be able to visit every museum or see every work of art they’re interested in but now many more can enjoy over 30 000 works of art from sculpture to architecture and drawings and explore over 150 collections from 40 countries, all in one place. In addition to the incredible artwork from collections around the world, such as paintings, drawings, sculptures, historic and religious artefacts, photographs and important manuscripts, there is a wealth of additional material. Expertly narrated videos, audio guides, viewing notes, detailed information, maps and so on provide an invaluable range of content for visitors to enjoy. 

How to use the site ?

Simply select a museum from the homepage and then either choose ‘Explore the museum’ or ‘View Artwork’. Once you are in the main site use the drop-down menus or the side info bar to navigate between artworks and museums. Finally create and share your own collections online.

Google Art Project now has some 151 partners across 40 countries, globally. The entire project houses more than 30,000 high resolution objects and Street View images cover 46 Museums, and there are more to come.

There is even a YouTube page to give users a better idea of what their Art Project is all about.

Want you private collection added to the project ?
Here's a  Sign Up form that you can use.


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