9 Ways To Become a Kick-ass Blogger.

Blogging Tips Mashable
Kick-Ass blogger Pete Cashmore
of Mashable.com
Do you also have your own blog just like mine, but you do not know how to get more readers? Is your blog ignored on social media? Then read this article that shows how you too can become a kick-ass blogger in no time*.

*Fair warning: It does take a lot of dedication and perseverance and most of all, discipline. If you have none of these, I suggest you cultivate these habits or else, blogging is not for you.

This article is basically for beginners. If your already a well accomplished and experienced blogger, I suggest you read this article instead.

1. Write kick-ass articles

This is the first and foremost thing to follow. As a blogger, it's your duty to give quality articles to your visitors. If you don't, they are never coming back to your site. Make sure you deliver something of value to them, something which solves a problem or something which makes them laugh.

2. Title is everything

The title of your blog posts can engage the reader in reading the article, or it can make her leave your site even if your post is very good.

Make sure your blog post titles are catchy like -

15 Websites so Ridiculous They’ll Make You Wanna Slap Your Momma

In addition, make sure you use an odd number. People seem to read the title which has an odd number rather than an even number for whatever reason. You can see that I implemented this also in this post.

3. Promote your blog posts

If you don't promote your articles online, there is a small chance that people will discover it by chance and give it a read. Therefore, make sure that you share your articles on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Google Plus and perhaps even on Pinterest. If you've written a good informative article then people do not mind you share it in groups dedicated to your blog's niche present in social media sites.

4. Use attractive graphics

Blogging Tips
Courtesy: zumic.com

Our eyes are always searching for images by default. If we open a blog, we always study the article with our eyes. By making use of images you make clear to the reader what the article is about without having read the blog. It is also pleasing to the eyes. No one want to go through a 1000 words article without a single image in between.

5. Provide social network sharing buttons

People who find your blog interesting, would want to share it. By integrating social media presence with your blog, you will get lots of traffic mostly from loyal readers who are interested in your content. You should update your social media profiles with the fresh content you just posted on your blog.

6. Post content regularly

When people read your blog on a Saturday evening, then, they probably will visit your site again on the nest Saturday. They will expect you to be regular with posting content on your blog. If you take a long break and don't post for a month and then go on an article writing spree every 5 hours, your readers will get confused and you as the author of the blog will get a bad impression. Posting content regularly has a huge impact on your search engine ranking rankings as well, because search engines love websites which post high quality fresh content regularly.

7. Email your subscribers

If you use an email list, make sure you keep your subscribers up-to-date with your latest article. You must not ignore your already gained readers and work hard to gain new ones. Your loyal readers are the life and soul of your blog. Please remember that you have already worked hard to gain them in the first place!

8. Place an opt in form to your newsletter

People who are interested in your articles usually want more great information in the future. Imagine that you blog regularly, but post just once week, then your visitors will have return back frustrated for lack of new content. Therefore, make sure that they can subscribe to your newsletter to get notified of new articles.

9. Build lists

Creating lists is a great way to get the attention of your readers in an instant. Lists are generally short blog posts which describe the objects in the list briefly. If you noticed, this blog post is also a list of points to help you become an awesome blogger!

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And there you have it. These are proven ways to become an awesome blogger and I'm sure every accomplished blogger on the planet has followed all the above mentioned steps with utmost care.

Happy blogging!


  1. We are able to only get genuine readers and followers if you're covering what individuals wish to read. My very own blogoloola is very niche, and that i would not expect it to draw in exactly the same audience like a site about blogging, but after beginning off as if you with just one or two hits now i get anywhere many site visitors each day.


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