Waiting For My Blog's New PR Update.

Yes folks , its finally here. Google PageRank has been updated just yesterday (December 6 2013).
I read few days ago that Matt Cutts said there will be no PR update of any kind till 2014 Jan and now we see it. Some sites have taken a major beating, most of them Tumblr blogs, while others have seen a substantial increase in PR all of a sudden.


PR for my blog has still not been calculated by Google yet. So it shows N/A as of now.
I hope it gets a nice number. It was PR 3 until yesterday.

Yes, It's a major update. Lot of changes.

A friend of mine said his finance blog's PR changed from PR 5 to PR 1. He posts only original content, no ads and updates regularly. Whereas his adult site increased from PR 0 to PR 4 which has loads of ads. He said he doesn't notice any changes in traffic though for both the sites.

Taking his example, I'd like to point out that PR is good only for setting the link price...

Seller - "Hey, I have PR5 site, wanna buy link" (no traffic)
Buyer - "Sure, what is the price"

Seller - "Hey I have a great site with loads of traffic, do you wanna buy link?"
Buyer - "What is PR?"
Seller - "No PR"
Buyer - "Sorry, not interested"

Internal changes in Google go very frequently. It is not possible to tell what changes were exactly implemented because no one has access to their algorithms and what we can see are only the results.

What about your site? Increase or decrease in PR? Share your story in the comment box below.


  1. Strange are the ways of Google and Matt Cutts.
    My blog had PR 5. Now 3.

    1. Thanks for you feedback Chuck.
      Update changes in traffic(if any) after a few days.

  2. Mine was PR 0. Now N/A.

    Waiting with crossed fingers. Just purchased some high PR links a few months ago.

    1. My advice - Don't purchase links. They will make your site look spammy to the bots and search engines may penalize your site for that. Build links naturally. Purchased links are crap anyways.


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