Pre-Cloud Computing Implementation Security Threats

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Due to the enormous amount of data stored on company servers today, owners who want to transition to the cloud computing server environment must understand how the threats to cloud computing security impacts their business.

Even though there are many attractive advantages to making this move, it is important that the business owner understands the potential for financial loss or ruin if the inevitable does occur. When the owner reviews the pros and the cons of cloud computing, they may find the disadvantages outweigh the advantages to this investment. Also, once the move has been made, they may not feel comfortable with going back since a third party will already have access to all of the company’s confidential information. Therefore, it is important that all business owners and their representatives understand the nature of this move completely before they make their transition. Listed below are three key security threats that must be considered prior to making the move.

Data Breaches

Symantec infographic

Some small and large companies have huge amounts of information on their servers since they support thousands of customers on a regular basis. The information that they house may involve a wide variety of different critical areas that cannot be disclosed to anyone outside of the business. In many cases, these companies may have access to social security numbers, bank account numbers, confidential patient information, along with other information that may cause their customers havoc if released to an unauthorized person or entity. This is one of the main reasons why most companies house the servers that store their confidential information onsite in a centralized location. According to standard security practices and legal regulations, these areas must have restricted access to only those who have a need to know. With cloud computing, this level of security changes completely since the company’s information will be located offsite. These areas may also be restricted but a third party will have access to confidential information since they will be responsible for storing and maintaining its security.

With this being said, all business owners must understand this major change in security prior to transitioning to cloud computing. The threat that exists in this and other scenarios involve the third party provider who does not have a need to know storing the confidential data. Also, some remote cloud services providers may not have the proper facilities to store the information in a secured server environment.

Encryption Strategy Exposures

Tightening the security level in cloud computing is not only a matter of placing a company’s servers behind locked doors, it also involves encrypting the data so that computer hackers cannot read sensitive data. Even though people may have special encryption keys to access their own data, this is not a fail proof system that cannot be broken into. Instead, there is an area of security exposure that hackers can easily get into, specifically when the security rules are not written by the third party agency correctly. Since all third party cloud services providers are not the same, the company is at risks of employing a cloud services provider that may not have the essential encryption skills and expertise. Therefore, it is important that all business owners and their representatives are aware of the high risks of exposure in these and other areas.

Data Loss

One of the essential keys to any organization is having a good back up system for all of their data. To protect the company from loss, most IT professionals have multiple backup systems so that they can restore the data in an emergency or disaster situation. When a business owner or their representatives decide to transfer all of their data to the cloud, it is important that the cloud computing services provider applies this same concept. If not, the company can lose valuable information, and they may not be able to explain away the consequences to their loyal clients and customers.


  1. Very Nice Information!!

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