Xbox One vs PlayStation 4 Comparison

We've heard a lot about the Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 over the past week as the Xbox One was finally officially announced, but it's mostly been over topics like hardware, software, smartphone second glass capabilities, and most importantly hot button issues like privacy, used games, backwards compatibility,

Thus far, 14 titles have been announced for the Xbox One and 34 titles for the PlayStation 4 (which has been officially announced for a longer period of time).

Of these titles, only three are exclusives for the Xbox One - Forza Motorsport 5, Quantum Break and Ryse. Forza Motorsport 5 will be the follow-up to the excellent Forza 4 driving game, which was one of the best available on the Xbox 360, and the less lauded Forza Horizons. Quantum Break is an intriguing game that will mix live actions sequences with gameplay, but we don't know much about it otherwise. Ryse is another lesser known game that reportedly will be a Roman-based hack-and-slash developed by Crytek.
Xbox One vs PlayStation 4 Comparison
Xbox Controller

Meanwhile, seven titles are exclusives on the PlayStation 4. These games are Doki Doki Universe, Driveclub, Hohokum, Infamous: Second Son, Killzone: Shadow Fall, Knack and an unnamed Super Stardust HD successor. Driveclub looks like it'll be the counter to Forza for Sony, with a strong community focus and fairly realistic racing. Infamous: Second Son is the continuation of the successful third person action franchise on PS3, which concerned the rise and fall of a electricity-imbued anti-hero. Killzone is another big franchise for Sony, a gritty sci-fi shooter.

Xbox One vs PlayStation 4 Comparison
PS4 Dual Shock Controller

That makes the vast majority of games on next-generation consoles cross-platform titles, including some of the biggest names: Assassin's Creed 4, Battlefield 4, Call of Duty Ghosts, Destiny, FIFA 14, Madden NFL 25, NBA Live 14, Need for Speed Rivals, Thief and Watch Dogs. Of these though, many seem allied one way or another. The EA Sports titles were all revealed at the Xbox One announcement, and Call of Duty Ghosts will have timed DLC available first on the One. Meanwhile, Watch Dogs and Battlefield 4 were first shown on PS4 and look to have stronger ties to that console.

Of course, this isn't the full list of what'll be available. Both Microsoft and Sony are sure to announce new details and new games at E3, which starts on June 10th. Be sure to tune in and see where your favorite franchises end up!

Thanks for reading the article - let me know what you think of the games lineup for each platform so far in the comments below.


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