
Clickbank: A step-by-step tutorial to make money online.

You have landed on this page for one and only reason. This Clickbank tutorial will provide step-by-step guidelines which is exactly how I made my first sale on Clickbank. If you follow these steps faithfully, I'm sure you can make your first sale using clickbank in a matter of a few weeks or even days! Without much blabber, I will get straight to the points. 1. Product selection.  This the most important part . If you don't follow this, then you will not make your first sale in a long time to come.    a . Select a product having gravity between 10 and 30 from the Clickbank marketplace. Select a product that converts into a sale. There is no sure way to tell which product will sell, but there are tools like CBEngine which make this decision easy for you and help you make your first sale in no time by picking products with least competition for you. I owe my first sale to this product and recommend it those who want to take clickbank marketing seriously....

Google Buys Nest For $3.2 Billion

Image Google first acquisition this year is Nest ; a company that designs products which help in home automation like thermostats, devices which connect your home to the Internet, etc,. The news was broken by Google Senior VP Sundar Pichai with a tweet. Welcome @tfadell and team, really excited to have you all part of Google. Love using your products — sundarpichai (@sundarpichai) January 13, 2014 For people who are concerned about privacy and other issues about Google, here is some good news for you. Tony Fadell , the founder of Nest says the acquisition wont affect the day-to-day operation of Nest nor will it change it's branding. Tony Fadell was also the primary designer of the iPod. Google is showing keen interest in acquiring hardware companies since the last year. This was clear with the acquisition of many robot development companies like Boston Dynamics.

Best $1000 Gaming Computer Build for 2014.

Looking to forward to build yourself a powerful gaming computer for all your gaming needs in 2014? Courtesy: You've come to the right place. There are some great PC games about to be released in 2014 , such as Dragon Age: Inquisition The Elder Scrolls Online South Park: The Stick of Truth Thief Titanfall Watch Dogs. To have the best experience in playing these HD games, you must have a build capable of overclocking your CPU and GPU. I've done just that. Now jumping straight into the build. CPU:   Intel Core i5 -4670K 3.4GHz Quad-Core Processor ($233.99 @ SuperBiiz) CPU Cooler:   Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($33.98 @ SuperBiiz) Motherboard:   Asus Z87-A ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($129.99 @ Amazon) Courtesy: Memory:   G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory ($69.99 @ Newegg) Storage :  Kingston SSDNow V300 Series 120GB 2.5" Solid State Disk ($69.9...

Free Avast! Internet Security 2014 License Key for 2 Years.[Relaunched]

Avast Internet Security Free License Key.  As a part of promotional campaign for my blog - Tech Terrain , I will be hosting a series of giveaways at regular intervals, this one is the second of such giveaways. License will be given away on 21st September 2014. My first give away was Kaspersky Internet Security 2013 License Key for 2 Years and after getting a very good response from my readers, I have decided to host another giveaway this year. For my third giveaway, I will be giving Avast! Internet Security 2014 license key valid for 2 years for free which is originally worth US $59.99. First, I will be providing a brief review of the product and then the 2 simple rules for entering the contest. Features of Avast! Internet Security 2014 The internet has never been so ridden with viruses and other malicious programs. Users will need the best protection available to secure themselves against identity theft and threats from infected web sites as they shop and bank on...

My First MOOC Experience at Coursera.

Image The First Step My journey with Coursera began when I first read about it in an email blast from the Bangalore Python Users Group's (BangPypers) mailing list. I had heard from my seniors at college that Python was very easy to learn and  a very popular language nowadays and many tech companies look for programmers who are proficient in Python. So I had decided to learn Python using online resources and hence I joined the BangPypers mailing list. One day there was an announcement that Coursera was offering a course in Python for beginners. I thought it was a good opportunity for me as I knew nothing about Python. I casually signed up for the course as I never thought I would complete it as I have a very busy schedule. This was my first experience of learning from a Massive Online Open Course ( MOOC ) . I had never heard of MOOCs before. MOOCs became popular just about one and a half years ago. The course that I joined was Introduction to In...

Waiting For My Blog's New PR Update.

Yes folks , its finally here. Google PageRank has been updated just yesterday (December 6 2013). I read few days ago that Matt Cutts said there will be no PR update of any kind till 2014 Jan and now we see it. Some sites have taken a major beating, most of them Tumblr blogs, while others have seen a substantial increase in PR all of a sudden. PR for my blog has still not been calculated by Google yet. So it shows N/A as of now. I hope it gets a nice number. It was PR 3 until yesterday. Yes, It's a major update. Lot of changes. A friend of mine said his finance blog's PR changed from PR 5 to PR 1. He posts only original content, no ads and updates regularly. Whereas his adult site increased from PR 0 to PR 4 which has loads of ads. He said he doesn't notice any changes in traffic though for both the sites. Taking his example, I'd like to point out that PR is good only for setting the link price... Seller - "Hey, I have PR5 site, wanna buy ...

Top mistakes to avoid when selecting an Internet Service Provider

It's very crucial to know that there are no completely awful ISP s, only bad experiences, and most of the time, even the most unreliable ISPs can still manage to please their customers. So, if you come to think of it, the problem does not always lie on the fact that a particular ISP is bad, but on the fact that the consumers failed to do their homework. If you are in search of a new Internet Service Provider , here are some of the top errors you should stay away from. Not Knowing Your Internet Needs Whether you will be needing the Internet to run a business or for doing school assignments, you simply can't decide on an ISP until you have taken your needs into consideration. While you can get away with a slow Internet connection for occasional Web surfing, you can't afford to settle for dialup service if what your business needs is fast and reliable Internet access. Remember, you can't easily replace your ISP once you have signed up, so if you don't want y...