Awesome iOS 7 UI Kits to Help Out iOS Designers

With the release of the iPhone 5 in the market, iOS designers and developers are up for the new challenge of designing new themes and do some tweaking on the upcoming iOS 7 that will soon be available with the iPhone 5s. Apple has been in helping theme developers to master their craft with the iOS 7 beta release but they will need iOS 7 UI kits in order to accomplish their goals. It is no longer difficult to find these UI kits for iOS 7 that could help iOS designers prepare their masterpiece for the upcoming iOS 7 to enjoy a more encompassing result. Here are some of the awesome iOS 7 UI Kits to help iOS designers build their beautiful and interesting iOS app designs.



This UI kit for iOS 7 is for designers who like working on Photoshop. It is developed by Teehan+Lax that create templates with updated PSD kits that you can readily add compatibly with the iOS 7. It is integrated with the beta 1 of the iOS 7 and with the final release of the software new updates will be available to those using this UI kit soon. You will have all you need in folders that you can organize neatly according to your preferences. The kit will help you design apps that will be perfect to run in iOS 7.

Media Loot iOS 7 UI Kit

This UI kit is perfect for an iOS designer who prefers everything to be editable. You can easily edit all elements with a comprehensive Photoshop GUI kit to use when designing an app. The UI kit provides sliders, buttons and signal bars and comes with a vector illustration.

SketchGems iOS 7 UI Kit

You can use this kit that runs on the iOS 7 beta release that provides more element options than what you can find from the Media Loot. These extra elements are the dialer and the context menu that gives you a complete kit to provide everything you need for iOS 7 app designing. The kit is available in a free and paid version. Once you get the kit you will receive future updates that will make you the frontier in iOS 7 app developing.

Behance iOS 7 Homescreen

This UI kit offers you 3 editable iPhone mock ups whereby you can add your own app icon design to the home screen. It comes with organized folders and layers with quick editing features. You can create apps in 2400 x 2000 pixel resolution in 300 dpi. You can create your own app design with its own personalized designed icon sitting on the iPhone home screen.

Dajzafree iOS 7 UI Kit

This UI kit for the iOS 7 offers you a tool with vector and completely editable elements that you can use in order to design your iOS 7 compatible apps. You can easily create your own personalized iOS 7 compliant app using the available editable elements and the UI kit is supported under the beta testing currently available for iOS 7.

About the Author:

Stacy Carter is web developer and guest blogger, who loves playing with words and covering interesting and informative pitches for quality websites. Google, Android and Apple news and inspiring stories about web development are her favorite topics. She contributes to a tracking app product at Netspy Software.


  1. hi..Im college student, thanks for sharing :)

  2. I was looking just for this. Very helpful article Stacy. Thanks!


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