The Best Approaches to Acquire Links for Your SEO Campaigns

link building

Why you need to build links?

Links assist users to locate what they need in the vast expanse of the internet. They also help users to read as well as ascertain between relevant and irrelevant information. This makes them a vital aspect of any SEO campaign. It is therefore important to learn ways to create links for success. This is because search engines normally rate a website on various aspects including link building.

Having many quality links in a wide array of websites which are already established and valued will make your site to be rated higher by search engines. This in turn enhances the intensity of traffic on a site. There are various ways of creating a huge amount of links that are of high quality. They include the following:

One of the greatest ways of enhancing link building is by submitting articles that contain useful information to article repositories or directories. You should publish your articles in the specific biography area in which you choose your anchor text and link. This will in turn create a link back to your site thereby providing crucial connectors throughout the internet. Articles with unique content earn a preferential position with search engines like Google which normally rate a site according to how unique it is in comparison to very many other links.


It is similar to submitting articles but has no laid down rules on what is posted into the links or the amount of permitted content. A combination of blogs and articles is very effective in link building leading to high quality SEO content.

link building

Using social media networks. 

In the modern age the number of users of social media networks like Facebook and Twitter runs into millions providing a great opportunity of enhancing your online presence or profile. It is usually time consuming and difficult to break into social media but is one of the best method of reaching out to the global online audience. Most of the free lance SEO consultants will tell you that the most effective ways of building up your social media presence is by networking which leads to the creation of more links back to your site. You can also create a group within a social network that is devoted to your specialty or niche where you can display quality content like updates, photos and also create blogs and links to your site.
You can also submit your website to a link directory which is composed of an index of links that is organized and also ordered per category. This will earn you more links. Such directories are available for a small fee or sometimes for free.

link building

You can also use link baits. 

This can be done on blogs as well as on social media profiles. These baits include videos, pictures as well as interesting and unique articles which all webmasters link back to if they find them useful and good enough. Remember to update your content with unique additions so that webmasters can be enticed to publish back links on very strategic places on the internet which in turn increases natural linking.


  1. Yes I agree with you that you should understand the requirements first. For this you should consult with your manager to know its requirements.

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